Tag Archives: UConn

The Ave Podcast – Kobe.

The Ave Podcast with Cal Cee. Episode 101: Kobe.

Today on The Ave Podcast, we discuss the unspeakable tragic events that claimed the lives of Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna, as well as the other seven victims this past week. We discuss his life, how his death has impacted us, and a lot more. #RIPKobeandGigi

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The Ave Podcast with Cal Cee // Episode 101

Utah Jazz v Los Angeles Lakers

(Photo by Harry How/Getty Images)


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Cal Cee // South Shore Ave

To subscribe to South Shore Ave, click onto the Follow button, and enter your email address, or click onto the RSS Feed. Very special thanks to O’Neil Kamaka, Kevin W., and Mark Stoddart for their guest appearance on this podcast.