Tag Archives: Sandra Bland

The Ave Podcast – After The Protests…. #Part2

The Ave Podcast with Cal Cee. Episode 117: After The Protests…. #Part2

Today on The Ave Podcast, I’m joined by Owner & Founder of Kania Couture Inc. Stacey Martin Bafi-Yeboa & Author/Poet Karen Richardson, as we discuss their thoughts on the murder of George Floyd and the global effects from the situation; how racism is viewed across the border; what to do with this newfound energy after the protests; and so much more.

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The Ave Podcast with Cal Cee // Episode 117

A women addresses the crowd as protesters take a knee at the Indiana Statehouse in Indianapolis, Monday, June 1, 2020 during a demonstration over the death of George Floyd, a black man who was in police custody in Minneapolis. Floyd died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers on Memorial Day.

(Michael Conroy, AP)



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Cal Cee // South Shore Ave

To subscribe to South Shore Ave, click onto the Follow button, and enter your email address, or click onto the RSS Feed. Very special thanks to Stacy Martin Bafi-Yeboa & Karen Richardson for their guest appearance on this podcast. To listen to Part 1 of After The Protest…. click here.