Tag Archives: Stereotypes

The Ave Podcast – The Fatherhood Episode

The Ave Podcast with Cal Cee. Episode 118: The Fatherhood Episode

Today on The Ave Podcast, as Father’s Day approaches, I’m joined by Creative Director/Filmmaker Peter-John Kerr as we discuss the world of Fatherhood. We discuss his initiative The First Time Father project & the origins of his concept; breakdown the myth of the Absentee Father within the Black Community; share our trials and tribulations of Fatherhood; and a lot more.

*** Thanks for tuning in, and don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast and the blog below. The podcasts are available for download. You can check out South Shore Ave on Apple PodcastsGoogle PlayStitcherSpotify, & wherever else you listen to podcasts. You can get to all of those apps on your IOS or Android devices. ***

The Ave Podcast with Cal Cee // Episode 118



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Cal Cee // South Shore Ave

To subscribe to South Shore Ave, click onto the Follow button, and enter your email address, or click onto the RSS Feed. Very special thanks to Peter-John Kerr for his guest appearance on this podcast. For more information on The First Time Father, check out their website which will be launching on Father’s Day 2020.